This can be served either warm or room temperature as an appetizer (good with toasted pita chips), or as a side to chicken. As suggested by some reviewers,...
This is the fried rice I grew up with. I was never sure if it was just a Filipino recipe or an adaptation my mother made being in the South (US) but all...
This creamy rice dish is a nice addition to a spicy meal. In reply to a question ask, this can be made the day before up to the point before baking. Just...
This is the perfect chilli con carne recipe. Lovely with basmati rice. It will set your taste buds a light with the flavours. I promise this is one of...
This recipe comes from The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook. I recently tried this recipe with a Crockpot Chicken and it was wonderful. I hope you will love...
I was looking for a dressing to go with a goose for Christmas when I came up with the idea to combine my 2 favorite dressings. Turned out to be a huge...
Fresh, delicious and real quick side dish for spring! Lemon and dill are one of my favorite combos. Other veggies work well in this too, such as broccoli,...
A quick to prepare rice dish, adapted from a recipe on one the cards in international culinary celebrity Kurma Dasa's 52 card set 'Quick Vegetarian recipes...
This is a very simple recipe, but it's made savory by using chicken broth and adding the cashews. It doesn't take long to make, and I've found that fresh...
This is my all time favorite! Forget about side dish... This is a meal on its own! Everytime I visit a Popeye's I make sure to always get this. Goes great...
"In this rice dish, green onions give great color, raisins bring a touch of sweetness and almonds add crunch. I think you'll agree the mild curry flavor...
This is a recipe that my mother-in-law taught me how to make. It is from Puerto Rico and is a traditional dish for many meals. Gandules (or pigeon peas)...
I think I got this recipe from Fine Cooking Magazine--great read! This simple, tasty side dish reminds me a little of paella, and is so delish--it goes...
Family Spanish rice recipe with Rotel and bacon. Don't leave out the bacon fat and butter, it adds a lot of the flavor to the dish. Use Hot Rotel if you...
I like this recipe because it's easy to do and delicious. I just came up with it yesterday. It's a blend of recipes that I know..just give it a try and...
This is a healthy and filling dish. I like it mainly because it is easy to prepare and serves the purpose of a hassle free main course. Great dish to serve...
All you garlic-lovers take heed! A quick stir-fry with a little bit of a kick! :)Serve over Jasmine rice with a garnish of chopped cilantro.This was found...
This is an easy no mess Spanish rice that is a great addition to any Mexican meal! Thanks for the review Chef #792090, I have edited my recipe according...
This is a great recipe if you like spinach and feta cheese. The times I've made it for other people, they really enjoyed this unusual rice dish. I used...
From "The PDQ Vegetarian Cookbook" by Donna Klein. Kidney beans or black eyed peas can replace the pinto beans (I used kidney beans as that was what I...
After so much trial and error I gave up trying to make this recipe just like Gma's. This is the one I use. I try to keep it as "low-fat" possible by not...
Wild rice and aromatic vegetables, flavored with curry. There's a bit of prep but it bakes in the oven while you prepare the rest of your meal. Nice with...
Nice Mexican twist on boring old rice. If you can't find parboiled rice at your grocery store, long-grain rice may be substituted, but just won't be quite...
Rice has been cultivated in China since around 5000 BC, and half the world depends on it for survival. Leftover rice is a plus so be sure to make enough...
This is an interesting variation on the basic rice side dish from Taste of the Caribbean by Rosamund Grant. It is tasty all on its own, but unassuming...
Delicious! We are always searching for different rice recipes and this was great! We served it with Carne con Papas (Stew Meat with Diced Potatoes) with...
This is from Diana Kennedy's book, "From My Mexican Kitchen". I usually have varying results when I make rice but this recipe made it come out perfectly....
Since I can't eat entire tomatoes, I'm grateful for a recipe that uses tomato sauce instead of crushed tomatoes, etc. This recipe comes from Host Chelsie...
I haven't made this it comes from a Good Taste magazine. Putting it here as I want to try it myself. I would say it would go well with char grilled lamb...